The media centre of Jämsä Jukola, run by Mikko Lindroos, serves approximately 150 accredited representatives of media. – There are altogether about 40 foreign media representatives, for example from Sweden, Norway, Italy, Latvia, Switzerland, Lithuania, and Russia, Lindroos tells.

Lars Ronnols is an orienteer and photographer from Stockholm
Lars Ronnols from Stockholm focuses on photographing. – As a freelancer I assist several small newspapers from Stockholm, he tells. Ronnols has a strong personal background in the event. As a competing orienteer he remembers being at around the 30th place at the highest as member of Lidingö. In Jämsä he has a lot to be nervous about as his wife, daughter and son take part in the competition as part of the Täby OK -team. In addition, one daughter is in the OK Linne -team.
– As far as the Swedish teams go, Linne is good and so are Domnarvet and OK Tisaren, whose last leg runner is Simone Niggli and which I put at the top in our team’s bet for the winner. For the Jukola relay I bet for Kalevan Rasti as did many others. Lars Ronnols tells that in the main Swedish newspapers not much attention is paid to orienteering, whereas local papers feature stories often. – I grew up in Dalarna where there was lot written about orienteering, he says.
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