The top teams of the Venla relay have long since crossed the finish line, but hundreds of teams are still in the forest looking for the controls. Raija Backström, who ran the second leg for the 5th team of the Kokkolan Suunnistajat -club, truly enjoyed the experience.
– I thought it was good, the track and the terrain, fitness orienteers were also able to find the controls, Raija thanks.

Raija Backströ, from the 5th team of the Kokkolan Suunnistajat -club enjoyed the track and the terrain.
Arriving from the forest to the competition center, Raija had no idea of the state of the overall competition. However, she was not surprised when she heard of the Danish victory.
– They have had good individual orienteers, now they have managed to gather a good team.
In her youth Raija used to do a lot of orienteering but there was a 40 year long gap before taking part in the Venla relay last year, inspired by an orienteering course oragarized by her employer.
– After last year, I only went to the forest to pick berries. This year, I trained 5 times in the forest before this. In Kerava, there are good fixed controls where you can train every day if you feel like it.
Raija’s direction is clear: – To the beer tent and to the showers.
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