Instructions to drivers dropping passengers

If you’re dropping passengers coming to Jukola but you’re not staying longer with your car:

Follow the signposting to parking just like you were going to park normally. When you arrive at the parking area, let the officials know that you’re only dropping passengers. This way, you will be guided to a separate “lane”, where you can stop and drop your passengers. In this case, no parking fee is collected. Follow normal guidance to leave the parking area.

We organizers ask each and every one to follow these instructions! The number of cars will be so big that this is necessary for traffic fluency and safety.

We’d also like remind about the unique chance to get right next to the competition center – i.e. closer than any parking area – with both Louna-Jukola’s “own” bus transportation from Turku and Åbus’ normal traffic from Helsinki! Find out more about these as well arriving in general here: Arriving at Louna-Jukola.

Have a safe journey to Paimio!

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