Finland’s largest outdoor screen in Louna-Jukola

After more than four hours of hard work the screen was finally ready. Kuva: Heikki Silvennoinen.

After more than four hours of hard work the screen was finally ready. Photo: Heikki Silvennoinen.

Next to the starting area there is a 60m² outdoor screen, which is so far the largest screen in Jukola history. Indoors there have been screens of this size in use before. In addition to this one, there are two other screens in the area: a 44m² screen and a 16m² social media screen.

– Building this screen is like making a big puzzle – the pieces have just become larger since childhood, says Jarkko Ruhanen, who was one of the people mounting the screen.

– It’s also windy today which slows down the assembly of the screen. The screen will be supported in its own stand, and the fastening is secured with straps, explains Ruhanen.

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