Youth Jukola Message 2016

Youth Jukola Message 2016

In the third chapter of his work Seven Brothers, the Finnish national writer Aleksis Kivi describes an event where the brothers of Jukola become quity of using hate talk. The tarket for their mockery is a gypsy family called Rajamäen rykmentti who they meet on a road in a forest by chance.

The hate talks and mockery lead as far as to throwing of stones. Then Simeoni starts to chide his brothers: ”Oh you devils, you Mongolian mongrels,  you dog-faced dingoes. A peaceful peddler can´t even go by without being insulted. Oh, you villains!”

Tolerance is the most important condition for successfully living side-by-side. Today we have carried out our relay in Alhonniittu in Nurmijärvi hosted by Rajamäen rykmentti to emphasize the meaning of tolerance and equality as the basis of all our actions.

In Nurmijärvi August 20th 2016