Santaveräjä route selection solutions

Santaveräjä route choice

The route choice planning for Kukkolanharju shows that there are several route alternatives and the choice of route depends on the orienteering skills and running condition of the orienteerer. However, it is good to be aware that the route contains an area of ​​many depressions, which is only one part of the area that contains many depressions. We would like to emphasize to hobby runners that route choices in these areas with many depressions should be decided leg by leg. In Finnish terrain, top-level orienteerers tend to choose the most direct route as possible. On the other hand, the recreational enthusiast often must identify clear definitions of the terrain and use them to help them proceed.

This route choice exercise is from Jukola training terrain Santaveräjä. It has been drafted by one of Lahden Suunnistajat’s top guns Aleksi Anttolainen. Aleksi placed 2nd in Finnish ultra long distance championchips 2014 and also deputed in world cup this autumn in Cêsis Latvia.

We have requested route selections from Merja Rantanen who belongs to the Jämsän Retki-Veikot orienteering club. Merja is an eight times WOC and a five-time EOC medalist. She has also promised to draw up some route planning tips and reasonings that help guide the recreational enthusiast runner in orienteering through areas with many depressions.