Twisted ankles and contusions tie-up most

Contemporaneously with the start of the Jukola relay at 11 pm, started also the busiest time in the first aid.
– From now on we have steadily a busy time until the end of the competition, doctor Jaakko Kivisaari tells.
For the present, there have not been many serious accidents. Only two persons were sent to further study.
– One patient is going to the hospital due to the fracture of an ankle. The majority of the injuries are because of twisted ankles and contusions. Hot weather caused problems on Saturday.

In the first aid there are 5 doctors and 10 nurses at the same time. Moreover staff in the transportation of the patients is needed. Photo: Minna Suhonen

In the first aid there are 5 doctors and 10 nurses at the same time. Moreover staff in the transportation of the patients is needed. Photo: Minna Suhonen

In the first aid there are 5 doctors and 10 nurses at the same time. There are available also an orthopaedist and an ophthalmologist.
– There have been eye injuries in the previous years, and that is why there is a specialist on the spot. Orienteers run against branches, which cause injuries, Kivisaari clarifies.
There is available also for example the resuscitation apparatus, but surgical procedures are not made in the first aid.
All-terrain vehicle can be used to fetch the injured from the terrain. This ride does not serve to everybody.
– Someones prefer to run until the finish despite of the injury, Kivisaari tells.
Also assistive devices are provided from the first aid. Photo: Minna Suhonen

Also assistive devices are provided from the first aid. Photo: Minna Suhonen

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