Event Manager feels confident about the competition

The sun is shining from a cloudless sky on Saturday morning. Event Manager Janne Virtanen is watching the competitors arrive in the competition centre with equanimity.

– We got the organizing rights for the competition in March 2008. Ever since, I have been involved in the preparations for Louna-Jukola. This weekend is the culmination of years of work; payday for the volunteers for the work done is today. Plans have been made with care, but only practice will show how the competition centre will be able to serve this record number of competitors as well as the audience, sums up Virtanen.

Event manager is pleased: Even the weather is perfect. Photo: Risto Raunio.

Event manager is pleased: Even the weather is perfect. Photo: Risto Raunio.

– Everything is looking good and I feel very confident about the events over the weekend. All arangements have proceeded according to plan, and we have not had any major problems, says Virtanen.

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